suppose to be i want to post this thing on fb.but it's too i post it here.
fuhh,at the end.i managed to finish this drama. it took about 12 hours.gila kan. half dr masa berkualiti aku burn bcz of cerita "adamaya".break the record seyh.suppose 2be waktu tu plan nk settlekn semua add pny hmwks.even though nmpk "mcm"membuang masa kn tp of course depends on org. so dgn rasa bertanggungjawab, aku hold planner during watching this drama. ni aku list moral of the story.
1. believe dengan restu parents.insyaAllah berjaya,bahagia. xde pun parents kt dunia ni nk tgk ank2 dorg sensara.
2. kahwin sbb rasa tanggungjawab,bukan sayang semata-mata. bole je hr ni syg,esok menyampah teros. cinta tu xde makna pun weh, if xde responsibility. amanah itu penting dude.
3. bf or gf during school days. eh c'mon lah.takat suka2 je, no use.BUANG MASA. then tlg la jgn sng sgt syg org if just dipengaruhi rasa hati. blah la,,mengarut. imaginasi tinggi.responsible weh yg penting. then nnt bila dah kahwin dgn org lain. the EX's dok dtg menyebok.pastu xleh handle feeling masa dulu. berapa kali kau nk fall in love weh. xrasa hidup kau nnt huru-hara ke. dah la ddk kt dunia singkat.amal tah seberapa je.
4. if kahwin then plan nk cerai,better xpayah. buat masjid then robohkan. bagus sgt la tu.
5. communication REALLY REALLY important. your companion bukannya ad magic bole tahu kau nk ape,kau rase ape.then u need to tell him/her. musyawarah..ooohaa.
6. as parents, jgnlah marah anak yg xphm pape lg. they need kasih sayang ok.
7. appreciate ur friends,jgn sbb lelaki or prmpn korg bergaduh. MALANG GILE la kalau yg ni.
qualities that i see in "adam"
-REALLY REALLY responsible
-down to earth :)
-care about others
-mempunyai pegangan agama
-bapa yg penyayang
-selamba :)
-love nature
-seorang yg sederhana :)
as a conclusion,he is a perfect husband,for today and the day after tomorrow.
waiting for a good fine day that i will meet my adam.insyaAllah.
keep on believing HIS promise. "a good man for a good woman"
ok dah. nk buat hook or by crook kena siap jugak,nk A+ kann. then tgk cerita ni bukannya 'rubbish' tp bg benefits utk jangka masa panjang.wuuhaa!! i'm seventeen already.*cop ada kaitan ke, tah..."maybe". ok!! end~~
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